Thursday, June 12, 2008

Get £10 free at Lucky Hammer

Just a quick post today...

Lucky Hammer is currently giving away £10 worth of free bids to new users depositing £1 on the site.

If you've not tried a reverse auction before, this would be a good way to geta cheap taster!

Visit for more details on this offer.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Lowest Bid Wins

I noticed recently that Lucky Hammer doesn't appear when you type "lowest bid wins" into Google.

However, in finding this out I did notice an auction site that I've not seen before. Might be worth checking this out.

Auctionair has load of different types of auction including highest bid wins auctions (surely this just a normal auction -ed). There's some good prizes on there though like TVs, cars and computers.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Auction Site

Well, it's probably not new but I've just discovered it!

I was on yesterday (which, by the way is a pretty good free classifieds site - you should check it out) and I saw an advert for an auction site I've not seen before. To begin with I thought it was probably another reverse auction site as the prices seemed pretty low - a PS3 went for under £40. is a timed auction where the highest bid when the counter reaches zero wins. The only twist is that when you add a bid you add more time to the clock. This obviously stops ebay style bidding where you wait for the last moment to place what you think is the winning bid.

It looks like it costs 50p to place a bid. There are probably a whole new set of tactics for this type of auction so I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lucky Hammer's European Break closing tonight

Yesterday, an email went out to Lucky Hammer members informing them that the european break is closing tonight.

Readers of this blog may be interested in a couple of tips that were included on the email. The first tip is that there's a buy one get one free offer on the auction. The second tip is perhaps more interesting.

At 5pm, when the email was sent, the lowest unique bid was still less than £1. This supports the definite trend that prizes on Lucky Hammer are going very cheaply - it's a new site so the number of bids on each auction are pretty low.

In the case of the European Break it once again looks like someone's going to get a cracking deal - even in terms of reverse auction sites.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Plea

Dear readers

If anyone sees any competitions to win a year's supply of petrol please, please, please let me know. I don't know how many more price increases I can take! It seems that most places near me are now selling diesel for over £1.30 a litre.

Please find me a competition - it would mean so much to me!

Yours in Hope

Lucky Hammer Blog Editor

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Has Lucky Hammer provided the cheapest PS3 ever?

While we’re waiting for the Wii and iPod touch auctions to finish on Lucky Hammer and Bidjam we can look at a previous bid where the two reverse auction sites had the same product on offer.

Recently, both sites auctioned a PS3. Bidjam is currently advertising on their front page that they sold a PS3 for £1.95. This is a great deal for someone as if you want to buy a PS3 at the moment you have to spend around £300 (there are some good PS3 deals here)!

The final price of the Lucky Hammer auction was a bit harder to find. However, when we did find it, we were shocked - the lowest unique bid was 24p!

24p for a PS3 – this time last year people were paying over £400 – the Lucky Hammer winner has effectively had a 99.4% discount on this price!

So here’s a challenge: if anyone knows a cheaper way that someone has got a PS3, post a comment on this blog!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Battle of the Auctions

At the moment two of the UK's biggest reverse auction sites are going head to head. Lucky Hammer and BidJam both have current auctions for an iPod Touch and a Nintendo Wii.

The question is: whose auctions will finish lowest?

The luckyhammer bloggers will keep an eye on activity and let you know.

At Dixons the price for the iPod is £174.54 and the price of a Wii is £269.99 (with three games).

Let's see how much our winning reverse auctioneers save on these prices!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More reverse auction sites

In a quiet moment of reflection earlier I was searching the internet for more reverse auction related fun. I found it, staring so hard at me in the face that I can't believe I've missed it before. BidLowest2Win has plenty of prizes listed and details of auctions coming soon.

There are certain parts of the site that look like they have errors as there is a good splattering of the word "forbidden" around but it may be worth you reverse auctioneers checking it out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't like reverse auctions? What else is there?

Imagine a world without Reverse Auctions. I know it's scary, but a few years ago this world did actually exist. What on earth did people do???

The lack of reverse auctions could well explain the cause of the baby boomers of the 80s (who knows where a quiet night in without a reverse auction might lead?) or the proliferation of Christmas jumpers in the early 90s or even the disasterous music produced by bands such as Freddy and the dreamers.

But if only people had been blessed with more imagination there's so much more they could have done - stuff that would have resulted in winning prizes rather than having to wear a terrible jumper that someone's knitted for you! (have a look at these great examples of Christmas jumpers)

Nowadays, if reverse auction sites such as Lucky Hammer didn't exist there would be other activities available that would do away with the need to start knitting or in the case of Freddy and the Dreamers, producing terrible music.

Check the following sites for great fun while browsing the internet!

B3ta - really funny stuff added every day!
Home Star Runner - listen to Strongbad's amazing emails!
InstantWin4Now - loads of prizes, completely free and instant gratification!
The Sun - News, pictures and competitions!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Is there a skill to reverse auctions?

Many people will be surprised to hear that experienced "reverse auctioneers" think that there's an element of skill to getting the prize you're after.

Just as people come across experienced bidders in auctions for antique furniture, some people feel the same about online auctions!

For example, think about this:

"I'm not bidding a penny 'cos everyone will!"

So does this mean that nobody will bid 1p? Usually, someone does but what is often the case is that people will jump from 1p to 12p or 64p or something higher. The numbers that often get missed or receive very low bid numbers are from 1p - 10p so it's often worth thinking about putting some bids in this area to make sure you don't miss out on the obvious deals! You'd be surprised what numbers are left over!

As if to prove this point, on Lucky Hammer recently a crate of wine was won for 2p and a Plasma TV was won for 6p!!!

Perhaps it's a game of nerve more than a game of skill...

Though, if you do believe in the skill element, there's more information here.

Lucky Hammer Vs Bidjam

Hello reverse auctioneers!

A few people have been in touch to ask whether Lucky Hammer is better than Bidjam.

The answer is, it's different.

Of course on both sites, the principle is the same: get the lowest unique bid and you'll win a the prize for that amount. However, there are many ways that the sites are different and you may prefer either.

Bidjam will show you the bidding history so you know where you stand in relation to how the auction is going. They're also kind enough to let you know when the reserve is met. This helps a lot with bidding tactics and things like that.

Lucky Hammer generally has a slightly wider range of prizes and will run offers to help you get more bids in for your money. At the moment, as it's a new site, prizes are going for slightly less too.

So it's not so much that one is better than the other. They're different and the different styles will suit different people. Which one should you use? It's up to you!

Nikon Digital Camera

One of the prizes on Lucky Hammer at the moment is a Nikon Digital SLR Camera. We've had a few people getting in touch to ask what the SLR means.

SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex and in the old days (when cameras used actual film and you had to go to a photoshop to get them developed!!) they were the only camera that would show through the view finder what you would actually get on film.

To get more information on SLR cameras go to Wiki! or look at the Camera Advice Centre.

Due to the complexities the cameras were reserved for photo enthusiasts - to take a photo you'd have to manually change the aperture, shutter speed and focus.

So why do people use them? SLRs give better photos! Given the right skill the photos you will get are outstanding.

Now that digital SLR cameras have hit the market these great quality photos are available to mere mortals so you don't have to go on a three year photography course to get a half decent photo!

Hope that helps. Any other questions, fire them over!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lucky Hammer Special Offers

Lucky Hammer gets in touch with its members every now and again with some cracking deals and tips on how they can get free bids on the site. In the past there have been buy one get one free deals, buy one bid and get 5 free and some lucky people were given the option to get 10 bids for the price of one!

It's worth registering on Lucky Hammer to keep up to date with the latest offers - after all it's a great way to grab some free money! And we all love free money...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Limited Bid Auctions Now Live - but are they worth it?

Limited bid auctions provide limited bid auction experts the chance to psych out their oponents to predict what other people will bid on given the limited number of bids available.

Some people don't like them as they feel it's obvious that the sum of all the bids is higher than the value of the prize so it's clear that the site is making money from all the people that don't win. However, other people see it as having more of an element of skill than normal auctions, believing that people will be more likely to forget about the mid range bids that normally get filled up quite quickly.

There are now a couple of limited bid auctions on Lucky Hammer. You could win a DAB Alarm Clock and iPod Dock and a Nespresso Coffee Machine.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Make the most of it before it gets too popular! is a new reverse auction site where the lowest bids wins.

Top Tip:

As it's a new site and there aren't many users yet now is a good time to get hold of some amazing deals.

It won't be long until you'll face more competition on the site so visit now and get your bids in early.